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Ways to Give

By supporting the Tennessee Arts Academy Foundation, you have the power to change lives! Give the gift of TAA and help bring arts education into schools across Tennessee and the nation.

Year-Round Academy Support

Circle of Supporters

“Circle of Supporters” provides corporations, businesses, and individuals an opportunity to support TAA by contributing to the Tennessee Arts Academy Foundation. The process is easy. Select one of eight different giving levels and then choose one of four specific funds, allowing you to decide where you would like to see your donation put to work. Gifts may be designated as an honorarium or memorial. For online access, click here. To mail in your donation, please click here. To learn more about our Circle of Supporters, click here.

All contributions made to TAAF are tax deductible to the full extent the law allows.

Alumni Association

The TAA Alumni Association is open to all graduates, faculty, supporters, and friends of the Academy. The TAA Alumni Association Executive Committee is governed by a president and four regional representatives who oversee the Association. The executive committee members represent different geographic areas of the state and different arts content disciplines. In addition, the officers plan programs to keep members involved in Academy activities. Member benefits include email updates, invitations, discounted pricing to yearly Academy events, access to purchase Academy materials, such as Muser DVDs and T-shirts, and access to a members-only area on the TAA website. If you are interested in becoming a member and want to know more, please click here. Ready to sign up right now? If so, click here for online registration or click here to download a membership form.

TAA “Fun” Raisers!

TAAF offers numerous fun ways to support the Academy throughout the year:

NYC Broadway Weekend Giveaway: Win a Spectacular Weekend for Two in the Big Apple!! NYC Broadway Weekend Giveaway tickets and entry information are made available each year starting on September 1st. The drawing occurs on Friday during the Academy’s Finale Farewell Luncheon. Tickets are available to procure until Thursday at 4 PM during the Academy week. Click here for complete details. Click here to download a mail-in order form or click here to purchase tickets online.  

The TAA Online Auction
: This exciting event features great gifts for bargain hunters. The TAA Online Auction goes live in early July and closes on Thursday afternoon during the Academy week. Click here to learn how you can donate items to the auction as well as  how to  bid on items and get in on all the action.

TAA Foundation Teacher Appreciation Donation Sensation: The TAA Foundation Teacher Appreciation fundraiser is held annually during National Teacher Appreciation Week. It was designed to let friends of TAA "Honor Their Favorite Teacher! " Click here to see the leaderboard, the many quotes in honor of teachers, and all the fundraiser contest details. And remember it is never too late to honor your All-Time Favorite Teacher. Just click here. Every teacher nominated is sent a letter or an email from TAA notifying them of your gift. Just be sure to give us their contact information.

Giving Tuesday: Giving Tuesday occurs on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving. TAAF annually participates in this charitable event. Please check back in early November for specific information on how you can get involved and support TAA. Click here to learn more about Giving Tuesday.

Pop Up Events:
Watch for other special pop-up fundraising events throughout the year.

During the Academy Week

VIP Bravo Society

Join the TAA VIP Bravo Society! The annual Bravo! Tennessee Arts Academy Awards Banquet and Performance is a highlight of the Academy week. VIP Bravo Society members are treated to an elegant appreciation dinner, followed by an awards tribute to a significant figure in the arts world, and topped off by the opportunity to see and meet a nationally/globally acclaimed artist in concert. Electing to be an exclusive member of the TAA VIP Bravo Society is one way to honor arts teachers in your city and county and to promote and honor the role of the arts in the lives of all Tennesseans. Click here for online access to join the VIP Bravo Society and reserve your table or individual seats for the event. Or click here to download an order form. Click here for more information about the VIP Bravo Society.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Becoming a TAA sponsor is a unique way to support the critical work performed at the Tennessee Arts Academy each summer. Besides providing increased visibility, your charitable gift will help enhance your recognition as both an arts advocate and a supporter of arts education training. The Tennessee Arts Academy offers a range of support opportunities. Look for an event or program you find exciting and that matches your financial resources. Click here for more detailed information on the type and costs to become a TAA Sponsor. Click here now for online access to become a TAA Sponsor. Or click here to download an order form.

Program Ads

The TAA program book is annually published and distributed to more than 450 Academy teacher participants, faculty, staff, and visitors free of charge. Once the Academy concludes, the program book becomes a promotional tool, distributed to school administrators, school system arts supervisors, university educators, and to arts education and advocacy groups. The program book contains a dedicated section devoted to advertisers whose products and services closely align with the interests of arts educators who attend the Academy. To learn more about the how you can participate, please click here.  Ready to buy a program ad now online? If so, click here. To download an ad contract and mail it to TAAF along with a check, click here.

TAA Arts Expo, Vendor Fair, and Artist Market

The TAA Arts Expo, Vendor Fair, and Artist Market is held Thursday afternoon during the Academy week in the MTSU Student Union Ballroom on the Middle Tennessee State University campus. The Expo attracts 35 - 50 vendors and organizations who display their wares for more than 450 K –12 arts educators, faculty, and visitors from Tennessee and out of state. Click here to learn how you can get involved in this exciting program. If you are ready to sign-up online for the Arts Expo, click here. To download an Arts Expo sign-up form and mail it to TAAF along with a check, click here. If you are an artist and ready to sign up online for the Artist Market, click here.

Tennessee Arts Academy Endowment

The Tennessee Arts Academy Foundation established the Tennessee Arts Academy Endowment Fund as a mechanism for friends and supporters of the arts and arts education to make charitable gifts that help to permanently secure TAA’s future financial viability. The creation of the TAA Endowment ensures all Tennessee arts educators will have access to the Tennessee Arts Academy and the unique and outstanding services it provides for years to come. There are several ways to make a gift to the Endowment. Options for cash contributions, planned giving, and estate gifts are available. Please consult with your financial advisor and accountant about which might be best for you. For more information about making a TAAF Endowment gift, please click here.

Tennessee Arts Academy • Tennessee Arts Academy Foundation
801 2nd Avenue North  • Suite 100 • Nashville, Tennessee 37201
615-988-6250 • taa@tnartsacademy.org