October 1, 2024 - Press Release for Educators to Distribute Who Are Attending the 2025 Tennessee Arts Academy
The above press release is authorized to be used by current TAA participants, who have received their acceptance confirmation. The press release may be personalized by adding information onto the form in the appropriate spaces. Once completed, the press release may be either printed out and mailed, or it may be e-mailed to a variety of sources including your local newspaper, arts organization newsletter or television station. If you are unable to personalize the forms, download Adobe Reader free from Adobe. If you desire further assistance, please contact the TAA office by email (taa@tnartsacademy.org) or by phone (615-988-6250).
The Tennessee Arts Academy offers scholarships for deserving educators who wish to attend TAA. There are currently four scholarships being offered. They are as follows:
Tennessee Arts Academy Foundation Scholarship
Country Music Association (CMA) Foundation Scholarship
Theatrical Rights Worldwide (TRW) Theatre Arts Scholarship
The Dorothy M. Gillespie Tennessee Arts Academy Visual Art Scholarship
All scholarships are on one easy to use, fillable form that can be saved. All applicants are required to complete the Tennessee Arts Academy Foundation Scholarship section of the application first. Once you have completed the TAA Foundation Scholarship section, you will find instructions should you wish to apply for additional content specific scholarships. Please read the guidelines carefully for each scholarship before applying in order to make sure you qualify. Applying for one of the three specialized scholarships will not impact your chances to receive a TAAF Scholarship; however, you will only be selected for one of the specialized scholarships OR the TAAF Scholarship (whichever is largest).
PLEASE NOTE: The Tennessee Arts Academy will not accept scholarship applications until you have 1) applied for the Arts Academy; and 2) have submitted your signed TAA Online Acceptance documents.
Click Here to Download the 2025 TAA Scholarship Application Form
Each day during the Academy, a newsletter is published that recaps the events from the day prior with photos and quotes, gives participants a summary of the current day’s activities, and offers a glimpse of what is to come in future sessions throughout the week.
Click below to download video order forms for Muser and Academy Chorale presentations from this current TAA year as well as previous Tennessee Arts Academy sessions: