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Interludes provide Academy participants with the opportunity to receive cross-disciplinary training. Every afternoon from Monday to Thursday, a variety of workshops are offered in each TAA content discipline. Participants may attend any workshop in any area to learn more about a familiar topic or to explore something new.

General Interest Interludes
Please check back regularly for updates and information about the 2024 Tennessee Arts Academy.
Arts Leadership and Administration Interludes
Please check back regularly for updates and information about the 2024 Tennessee Arts Academy.
Music Related Interludes
Academy Chorale
Felicia Barber
Please come and join other participants as the Academy Chorale prepares a program of music to be performed at the Academy luncheon on Friday. The Academy Chorale performs under the direction of Felicia Barber, the Academy’s secondary choral instructor.
Fostering Independence Through Small Groups
Julie Derges
To become independent musicians, students need opportunities to make decisions for themselves, try out ideas, and even make mistakes. In this interlude, a framework for facilitating student projects in small groups will be explored. Participants will take part in activities that create folk dances, arrange cover songs, and compose new pieces to express ideas.
Loving Unconditionally In Your Classroom and Beyond: A True Story of Survival
Ruth E. Dwyer
Ruth Dwyer had fifteen years of successful, joyful, and safe teaching experiences in a small community. Then she got married, moved to a bigger city, took a new job in a hostile atmosphere, sold a house, and her husband ended up in the hospital. All within three months! She survived to teach another thirty years. This session will include a discussion about how to find balance in life, even in difficult circumstances.
Ten Great Pieces in 45 Minutes: Selecting Repertoire With Authenticity and Diversity in Mind
Arris Golden
During this Interlude, participants will examine the repertoire selection process and share methods to support the selection and programming of music. The session will help educators discover music that is authentic in its use of music from other cultures, and supportive to broader collaborations through better understandings of the music’s origin stories.
Moving and Dancing with Friends
Jacque Schrader and Richard  Layton
Participants will learn mixers and folk dances that are kid-tested favorites. No movement experience is required, just joyful participation.
Creativity and Innovation: More Than Buzz Words!
Robert Russell Pethel
This session will explore ways that creativity and innovation can be more than surface level topics. Guided by topics from George Couros’s The Innovator’s Mindset, participants will explore practical and conceptual topics that can transform the teaching and learning experience for both the students and the educator.
Theatre And Dance Related Interludes
Hamilton’s Graphic Design Journey: Nine Rejected Proposals for Hamilton’s Cover Art
Jonathan Bernstein
The now-iconic image from the musical Hamilton wasn’t always the front runner. Participants in this session will take a deep-dive into the process of determining how advertising can and should complement the show.
Lindy Hop and the Big Apple Dance for All Ages
Barry Blumenfeld
Barry Blumenfeld will teach the basics of the Big Apple dance and the Lindy Hop, which are social dances from the Harlem Renaissance. Blumenfeld will also share fully developed units for all ages from kindergarten through grade twelve, from DEL’s Tracing Footsteps Curriculum project. No prior dance training is necessary to take this class.
Groove in the Galleries: This World is Full of Wonderful Sounds
Olivia Aston Bosworth
From crunching apples to the hissing steam of a train engine, people have recorded every last peep from this planet. Well, all but one: the sound of art. Come capture the quiet, round up the roars, gather the giggles, and make some noise with Olivia Aston Bosworth using drama and art interpretation strategies based on her collaboration with the High Museum of Art and Alliance Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia. Learn how to engage young people in interpretation through play!
Curiosity for Connection and Learning
Lynn Hoare
How can we promote curiosity in students as a way to engage them in learning, help them connect with each other, and find wonder in the world? This is a brief introduction to the importance of curiosity, creativity, and wonder through movement and theatre exercises.
Creating Spaces of Belonging
Lynn Hoare
This interactive workshop will offer strategies that explore and celebrate individual difference as a way to create spaces of caring and belonging.
Voice and the Power of Breath
Tia James
Tia James will lead the company through an exploration of voice, focusing on the power of breath. Have you ever been in flow? This flow state can happen more often than we think. Instead of relying on a magical moment to arrive, you have the power to prime your environment with your most powerful tool: your presence. In this workshop participants will gain a deeper relationship with their own instrument through the power of breath.
History Has its Eyes on You
Ryan Kasprzak
Separate fact from fiction and learn about the creative process that turned American history into the hit Broadway musical Hamilton. This workshop offers an inside look into the hidden gems of Hamilton and traces the connectivity of historical facts as they appear in theatrical metaphors. Discuss the Hamilton education program and brainstorm how historical fiction can inspire future interdisciplinary artistic collaboration.
Theatre Connections
 Theatre Core Faculty
Core theatre instructors will be in their classrooms to answer specific questions about their sessions and to provide one-on-one time with participants who desire additional information about theatre-related issues or arts-education concerns.
Visual Art Related Interludes
Diamond Fold Accordion Book with Custom Paper Covers
Mike Mitchell  
Janet Laws will facilitate this lesson swap. Participants should use the file linked to this session description to write a lesson plan and should come prepared to share the idea with about twenty others. Files can be printed or shared digitally. Please bring visuals to share, either digitally or as actual pieces that others might photograph.
In this simple but sophisticated twist on a basic accordion fold, session participants will make at least one diamond folded accordion book. These books can be an incredible resource for students; they can use them to take notes on a specific topic like elements and principles of design, use them as amazing celebration cards for any occasion, or see them an opportunity to investigate sculpture through bookmaking.
Creating and Dramatically Documenting Found Object Sculpture (The Super Cheap and Easy Way)
Mike Mitchell  
Janet Laws will facilitate this lesson swap. Participants should use the file linked to this session description to write a lesson plan and should come prepared to share the idea with about twenty others. Files can be printed or shared digitally. Please bring visuals to share, either digitally or as actual pieces that others might photograph.
In this session participants will quickly make a found object sculpture and then learn to document it using paper backdrop and cell phone flashlight. This procedure will capture dramatic shadows that rival studio photographs, which will take students’ and teachers’ breath away! It’s an easy but dynamic way to bring sculpture into the classroom using Brancusi’s adjacent photography practice as a historical jumping off point. These techniques are appropriate for students ranging from kindergarten through twelfth grade.
Visual Art Studio Connections
 Visual Art Faculty  
Janet Laws will facilitate this lesson swap. Participants should use the file linked to this session description to write a lesson plan and should come prepared to share the idea with about twenty others. Files can be printed or shared digitally. Please bring visuals to share, either digitally or as actual pieces that others might photograph.
Visual art participants may use this time to continue working in the studio, talking with their instructors, or networking with fellow teachers about issues and concerns related to the arts and arts education.
Please check back regularly for updates and information about the 2024 Tennessee Arts Academy.